Website is one of the online marketing tools that still plays an important role today. A website is like a store that can display all products in one place with more descriptions than any other online sales tool. Usually, the existence of a website will satisfy the visitor’s curiosity about a product. However, visitors to a website will not suddenly come without being promoted beforehand. That is, promoting a website is a part that shouldn’t miss, when you want to do online marketing. There are many ways you can do to promote your website easily and quickly. Below are some smart tricks you can do to promote your website in 10 minutes.
E-mail Broadcast
Do you have a database of customer e-mail addresses? If the answer is yes, then this can be one of the advantages that you can use to promote or broadcast messages to all e-mail customers about business websites. Providing announcements via e-mail, apart from having a more personal impression, is usually considered more capable of generating traffic or visits to the website. This is because the customer has already bought or knows what goods or products you have. Besides the notification about the website business, you can also insert important information about special promos or special discounts that customers can get through the website, thus encouraging customers to open it.
Promotion Using Marketplace
A marketplace is a place of sale that is currently widely used by the general public to make purchases. Promoting a website through a marketplace is the right step that can bring in consumers who already know your business products. Include the website address when promoting in a marketplace, so that visitors who come, besides buying products, also visit your website.
Insert Brochures or Flyers When Sending Goods
If you own a business with physical products that you sell in retail stores or ship to customers, there are marketing tactics that are still (in fact) very underused by other businesses that you can take advantage of. When launching a new website, you can insert flyers or brochures on the items you send. Where you can add a website address to the brochure or flyer that you will send. You can also make a small announcement in the flyer or brochure section, that your business now has a website that can be a medium for them to find information about your product quickly.
Promote Through Social Media
Who doesn’t use social media today? Almost everyone is connected through social media, and companies are no exception. Currently, if a company wants to promote a website, spreading messages through social media is considered very appropriate and efficient considering the high level of community interaction in it. Use social media as a medium for practical thinking, where an attractive product description and a short caption will attract the curiosity of customers to visit your company website.
Use Facebook Ads
Facebook ads have a feature called custom audiences that allows you To toggle upload a list of the e-mail you to Facebook and their email will be matched with your Facebook account. You can use custom audiences to announce the launch of your new website to people who already know the brand. In addition to informing loyal customers about the launch of a website, Facebook Ads can also influence and attract the attention of customers from competitors’ business, because advertisements and notifications via Facebook ads can be displayed in general through the same category.
To apply some of the smart tricks above, of course, you need to set aside time, effort, and finance as compensation for the convenience you get in promoting a business website. Journal as one of the corporate financial accounting management platforms, will help you to have efficient time and smart financial management in supporting financing for business website promotion. With Journals, you have a reporting system, analysis, and financial management support that is instant and real-time. You can find complete information about the Journal here: https://www.wirtschafts-wissen.de